Webinar invitation: Mindfulness in Difficult Times – Saturday 25th April at 4pm

APSL intends to support the members and Sri Lankans in the UK affected during these difficult times in numerous ways.  As part of these initiatives, APSL is organising a webinar series to provide help and advice on a range of topics.

The second webinar in the series: ‘Mindfulness in Difficult Times’ will be held on Saturday 25th April at 4pm delivered by Professor Geoffrey Hunt, retired Professor of Ethics, University of Surrey  and moderated by Dr. Mahesh de Silva, APSL President.

If you are interested in attending this webinar, please register through Eventbrite ink below.


Moreover, if you have any questions to discuss during the webinar please send them to the moderator president@apsl.org.uk . Priority will be given to questions received prior to the webinar due to time constraints.