WE SRI LANKA: SRI LANKA 75: From Economic Stabilisation and Policy Reform to Sustainable Growth – Saturday 10th December 2023

Next WE SRI LANKA TALK by APSL will be held on Sunday, December 10th, 2023 at 2pm UK / 7:30pm SL via Zoom.
Dr Indrajit Coomaraswamy, former governor of the Sri Lanka Central Bank will present a talk on SRI LANKA 75: From Economic Stabilisation and Policy Reform to Sustainable Growth. 
Please register in advance using this link.
Please click here to download the event flyer.
40 years of experience in policy making and providing economic advisory services on both macroeconomic and structural issues at national and intergovernmental levels.
Worked in the Economic Research, Statistics and Bank Supervision Departments at Central Bank of Sri Lanka (1974-89) and seconded to Ministry of Finance and Planning. Director, Economic Affairs Division, Deputy-Director, Secretary-General’s
Office, and Interim Director, Social Transformation Programme Division at the Commonwealth Secretariat from 1989-2008.
B.A. (Hons) University of Cambridge and D.Phil. University of Sussex. Led Sri Lanka National Rugby team and played First Class Cricket. “Sri Lankan of the Year 2016“ (LMD). “Central Bank Governor of the Year for South Asia 2017” (Euromoney). Awarded Sri Lankan national honour of “Deshamanaya” in August 2019.