Joint Media Release/ Press Release
SLHC and APSL Research Symposium 2021 – Call for Abstracts
The High Commission of Sri Lanka (SLHC) in the United Kingdom and the Association of Professional Sri Lankans (APSL) in the UK are jointly organising a Research Symposium on 1st September 2021 from 9.30 am – 6.30 pm.
The objectives of this symposium are:
- to provide a common platform for Sri Lankan Academics living in Sri Lanka and the UK;
- to promote and uplift research to share the best practices, and to create opportunities for researchers to gain further knowledge and skills;
- To expand the academic and non-academic professional networks linked to SLHC and APSL with an expectation to obtain their contribution towards the betterment of the motherland;
- to strengthen the relationship between academic professionals domiciled in the UK, SLHC and APSL.
The keynote address will be delivered by Professor Nishan Canagarajah, Vice-Chancellor, University of Leicester, UK, and a guest address will be delivered by Professor Sudantha Liyanage, Vice-Chancellor, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
Abstracts should be submitted to education@apsl.org.uk with a copy to education@slhc-london.co.ukby Friday 28th May 2021. Following review by a panel, acceptance notifications will be issued by Friday 04th June 2021. To submit an abstract, please follow the guidance information that can be found here.