Sri Lanka along with the rest of the South Asian region is severely affected by a new wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Rapidly rising infection numbers if go unchecked, could soon overwhelm the island’s already streached healthcare system.
The demand for essential medical supplies needed to treat those who are infected continue to grow with no end in sight, and the hospitals are struggling to admit, let alone treat Covid-19 patients in several areas.
With the ongoing tiers of restrictions / lockdown, everyone and especially those of low income and daily wage earners are struggling to make ends meet.
In response to this latest crisis, The APSL is launching an urgent fundraising campaign to provide essential medical supplies to hospitals and support to needy families.
We are reaching out to you for your kind donations to help our fellow Sri Lankans in this hour of need.
Please donate via Virgin Money Giving or Facebook, using the links below.
Virgin money giving – https://uk. web/charity/ displayCharityCampaignPage. action?charityCampaignUrl= APSLEmergencyResponseFund
Facebook – donate/2913248555669218/
Thank you for your support.
Our previous COVID-19 campaign
On 25th March 2020, in response to the Covid-19 outbreak we launched an Emergency Relief Fund (“ERF”) to help vulnerable families in Sri Lanka who were facing hardship due to the continuous lockdown.
At the end of 7 week programme, we managed to provide Rs. 3.2 million worth of assistance to 1650 needy families across the island nand to nine key Hospitals.
Click here for the full report –