APSL Webinar Invitation: UK Immigration Issues by David Mariampillai – Saturday 2nd May at 4pm

In response to the crisis caused by coronavirus, APSL has undertaken a number of initiatives to support those who are affected – including families in Sri Lanka, APSL members as well as any Sri Lankans living in the UK. One of the initiatives is a FREE webinar series to provide help and advice to APSL members and Sri Lankans in the UK, on a range of useful topics.

The third webinar in the series: ‘UK Immigration Issues’ will be held on Saturday 2nd May at 4pm, and delivered by David Mariampillai, Director of David Benson Solicitors and moderated by APSL President, Dr. Mahesh de Silva.

If you are interested in attending this webinar, please register using the link below.


Moreover, if you have any questions to discuss during the webinar please send them during the registration. Priority will be given to questions received prior to the webinar due to time constraints.