APSL webinar – An Anatomy of a Sri Lankan Reconciliation – Saturday 30th January 2021

Register now for the first event of the APSL We Sri Lanka webinar series focused on promoting peaceful co-existence and sustainable development in Sri Lanka will be held on Saturday 30th January 2021 at 3.00pm GMT.
The webinar presentation will be delivered by Mr. George Willy, an eminent immigration lawyer in the US and moderated by the APSL We Sri Lanka project leader Mr. Gihantha Jayasinghe.
Mr. George Willy is the founder and principal, Willy, Nanayakkara & Associates, Texas, USA. He was also an advisor to the Clinton, Obama and Trump Administrations on immigration matters in relation to South Asia / Asian Americans. He is the host of the TV Show, “The Other Side” where he interviews prominent public figures and also hosts the ‘Minds that Matter’ radio show featuring people with extraordinary abilities in various fields of endeavour.
Introduction to APSL UK by APSL President Dr.Mahesh de Silva
Introduction to We Sri Lanka by the project leader Mr.Gihantha Jayasinghe
Keynote Presentation by Mr. George Willy
Q&A Session
Vote of Thanks by APSL General Secretary Mrs. Gayani Senaratne
Please Click here to register in advance for this event.