APSL Emergency Relief Fund (ERF) – Essential trauma items donation to the Orthopaedic surgery unit at Teaching Hospital Kalutara
We are pleased to inform you that we have made an essential trauma item donation needed by Orthopaedic Surgeons at Teaching Hospital Kaluthara through APSL Emergency Response Fund (ERF). These essential trauma items were worth over Rs. 451,500.00. On behalf of APSL, Dr Shivantha Fernandopulle, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon handed over these items to Ms Sumitra, Operation Theatre in Charge at Teaching Hospital Kalutara.
APSL wishes to thank Dr Anuradha Samarasinghe (APSL -Exco) and Dr Shivantha Fernandopulle for their commitment and kind coordination. A special thank goes to all our donors for supporting the cause. Please see below photos of the donation.
Please use the below methods to donate if you wish to do so. Also, please share this among your friends and professional networks to help our motherland during this critical time.
- Bank transfers to APSL UK account
Account Name: APSL UK
Bank: HSBC
Account: 61550756
Sort Code: 40-38-20
IBAN: GB86HBUK40382061550756
- Bank transfers to APSL SL account
Account Name: APSL in the UK
Bank: Bank of Ceylon (BOC)
Branch: Ja-Ela
Account: 80102896
If you need any further information, or for any questions, please contact Dr Leshan Uggalla (Vice President – Projects) via leshanu@apsl.org.uk