APSL and Hela Sarana donates 300 KN 95 respirator Masks to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Colombo (aka the IDH)
APSL in collaboration with Hela Sarana donated 300 KN 95 respirator Masks to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Colombo (aka the IDH).
This was jointly funded by Hela Sarana and the kind donations of Sri Lankans living in the UK and around the world through the APSL- Emergency Response Fund (APSL-ERF).
The PPE respirator masks were handed over to the Director of IDH, Dr. Hasitha Aththanayaka by Dr. Ananda Wijewickrama, Senior consultant physician on behalf of APSL and Hela Sarana. Then the masks were handed over to Mrs. U.G.C. Udugamkorala, Matron IDH and Mrs. Navodini, Pharmacist IDH by the Director, Dr. Hasitha Aththanayaka.